Is it Possible to Assign Sort Key Value from Payload in IoT Rule?
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Is it Possible to Assign Sort Key Value from Payload in IoT Rule?

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As an IoT developer, you’re probably no stranger to IoT Rules, a powerful feature in AWS IoT Core that allows you to process and act on device data in real-time. One of the most common questions we get asked is whether it’s possible to assign a sort key value from the payload in an IoT Rule. The short answer is yes, but it requires a bit of creativity and understanding of how IoT Rules work. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of IoT Rules and explore the different ways you can assign a sort key value from the payload.

What are IoT Rules?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of sort key values, let’s quickly recap what IoT Rules are and how they work. IoT Rules are a feature in AWS IoT Core that allows you to process and act on device data in real-time. When a device sends data to AWS IoT Core, the data is processed through a rule that specifies what actions to take based on the data. IoT Rules consist of three main components:

  • Sql statement: This is the brain of the IoT Rule, where you specify the conditions under which the rule should trigger.
  • Actions: These are the actions that are taken when the rule is triggered.
  • Error handling: This specifies what to do when an error occurs during rule processing.

What is a Sort Key?

A sort key is a value that is used to determine the ordering of data in a DynamoDB table. When you write data to a DynamoDB table, you can specify a sort key value that determines the order in which the data is stored. This is particularly useful when you need to retrieve data in a specific order, such as by timestamp.

Assigning a Sort Key Value from Payload in IoT Rule

Now, let’s get to the juicy part – assigning a sort key value from the payload in an IoT Rule. There are two ways to do this:

Method 1: Using the `AS` Keyword

In your IoT Rule, you can use the `AS` keyword to assign a sort key value from the payload. Here’s an example:

  timestamp AS sort_key 
  'iot RULE' 
  device_id = 'my_device'

In this example, the `AS` keyword is used to assign the value of the `timestamp` field in the payload as the sort key value. When the rule is triggered, the data will be written to the DynamoDB table with the `timestamp` value as the sort key.

Method 2: Using a Lambda Function

Another way to assign a sort key value from the payload is by using a Lambda function. Here’s an example:

  'iot RULE' 
  device_id = 'my_device'

  LambdaFunction {
    FunctionArn: 'arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:function:FUNCTION_NAME'

In this example, we’re using a Lambda function to process the payload and assign the sort key value. The Lambda function takes the payload as an input, extracts the relevant field (e.g. `timestamp`), and returns the value as the sort key.

Example IoT Rule with Sort Key Value

Here’s an example IoT Rule that uses the `AS` keyword to assign a sort key value from the payload:

  "sql": "SELECT *, timestamp AS sort_key FROM 'iot RULE' WHERE device_id = 'my_device'",
  "ruleDisabled": false,
  "awsIotSqlVersion": "2016-03-23",
  "actions": [
      "dynamoDBv2": {
        "tableName": "my_table",
        "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/SERVICE_ROLE"

In this example, the IoT Rule uses the `AS` keyword to assign the value of the `timestamp` field in the payload as the sort key value. When the rule is triggered, the data will be written to the `my_table` DynamoDB table with the `timestamp` value as the sort key.

Best Practices for Assigning Sort Key Values

When assigning sort key values from the payload, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Choose a unique sort key value: To avoid data duplication, make sure to choose a unique sort key value that doesn’t already exist in the DynamoDB table.
  • Use a consistent data type: Make sure to use a consistent data type for the sort key value, such as a string or number, to ensure proper ordering.
  • Consider using a composite sort key: If you need to store multiple values in the sort key, consider using a composite sort key that combines multiple fields.


In conclusion, assigning a sort key value from the payload in an IoT Rule is definitely possible, and there are two ways to do it – using the `AS` keyword or a Lambda function. By following best practices and understanding how IoT Rules work, you can effectively process and act on device data in real-time. Whether you’re building an IoT application for industrial automation, smart homes, or wearables, understanding how to assign sort key values from the payload is an essential skill to have in your toolkit.

So, go ahead and give it a try! Experiment with different methods and techniques, and see what works best for your IoT application. And remember, when it comes to IoT Rules, the possibilities are endless – it’s all about unlocking the power of real-time data processing.

Method Description
Using the `AS` keyword Assign a sort key value from the payload using the `AS` keyword in the IoT Rule sql statement.
Using a Lambda function Use a Lambda function to process the payload and assign a sort key value.

Still have questions? Leave a comment below, and we’ll do our best to help!

  1. FAQs
    • Q: What is the maximum length of a sort key value in DynamoDB?
    • A: The maximum length of a sort key value in DynamoDB is 1024 bytes.
  2. Related Resources

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Is it possible to assign sort key value from payload in IOT Rule?” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about assigning sort key values from payload in IOT Rule!

Q1: Is it possible to assign a sort key value from the payload in IOT Rule?

Yes, it is possible to assign a sort key value from the payload in IOT Rule using the `payload` function. This function allows you to access the payload of the message and extract the desired value to use as the sort key.

Q2: How do I specify the payload field to use as the sort key in IOT Rule?

You can specify the payload field to use as the sort key by using the `payload` function with the dot notation. For example, if you want to use the value of the `temperature` field in the payload, you can specify `payload.temperature` as the sort key.

Q3: Can I use a JSONPath expression to extract the sort key value from the payload in IOT Rule?

Yes, you can use a JSONPath expression to extract the sort key value from the payload in IOT Rule. This allows you to extract values from nested JSON objects or arrays, making it a powerful tool for complex payload processing.

Q4: Are there any limitations to assigning sort key values from payload in IOT Rule?

Yes, there are some limitations to consider when assigning sort key values from payload in IOT Rule. For example, the payload must be in JSON format, and the sort key value must be a string or a number. Additionally, the sort key value must be deterministic, meaning it must always produce the same value for a given input.

Q5: Can I use a custom Lambda function to generate the sort key value from the payload in IOT Rule?

Yes, you can use a custom Lambda function to generate the sort key value from the payload in IOT Rule. This allows you to implement custom logic for generating the sort key value, giving you more flexibility and control over the sorting process.

I hope this helps!